About Us

About Us


A little about…


Our “raison d’etre”, the reason we exist, is to be the first name in solar lead generation…period! And we realize that the best way to serve the members of our staff and satisfy our investors is by remaining singularly focused on your needs as a client.
This is accomplished through culture and continual investment in our people and our technology all for the sole purpose of connecting you with motivated homeowners in the process of investing in solar…that’s it! Accomplish that…and the rest is easy.


Why Team Up with Us?

The solar industry is still in its infancy…but that doesn’t mean success will come easy. 
So, it’s no coincidence that smart solar companies seek to have Strategic Solar Solutions in their corner…because we do the heavy lifting on the front lines and in the trenches so that your sales funnel remains consistently full of qualified homeowners genuinely interested in making the move to solar. Whether it’s in-home or virtual appointments, warm transfers or high-intent real time solar leads, with the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel, we deliver to you motivated homeowners in the right markets at the right time….continually rising above through experience, insight and technology.


Strategic Solar Solutions is different.

Why are we different?

We vet solar installers across the country based on core values like trustworthiness and dedication to excellence. If you’re a good fit, we’ll connect you with home owners who are excited to learn more about solar and whose home is a good fit for panels.
We focus on “Happier Customers, Quicker Sales Cycle & Higher Close Rates.” Connect
with us and watch your calendar fill up with new customer appointments.